Our international student Homestay Coordinator organises homestay accommodation for all International students. The Homestay Coordinator visits and interviews homestay families in their homes to arrange the best match of family and student.
Most students enjoy and benefit greatly from the homestay experience. With support from the school and homestay parents, the international students soon become used to the different customs, climate, food and language as well as the different education system. All of our homestay parents are very friendly and enjoy having students from other countries live with them. Homestay accommodation provides an opportunity for international students to integrate more easily into the local community and to develop life-long friendships with their Australian host family.
Homestay families, as well as all international students, are expected to follow a code of conduct. This allows all parties to operate within a framework of respect and consideration that should result in positive experiences and a happy home environment.
You can download and complete the International Student Programs Homestay Provider Application form (PDF,885KB)

Typical Brisbane Homes

Department of Education, Trading name: Education Queensland International CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Become a homestay family
Bring a new perspective to your life
Mount Gravatt State High School
International Students Homestay Program

Involvement in the Mt Gravatt International Student Homestay Program can offer a range of benefits to your family including:
Learning about another culture's customs and traditions
- Encouraging your family to do this together
- Helping your children to learn and grow
- Encouraging your family to explore your won state and country
- Developing lasting friendships with the student and their overseas family
- Providing your children a unique advantage and experience to refer to on applications for employment, college and universities
An allowance for hosting a student is provided if you are able to offer:
- A separate bedroom with a bed and desk
- Three meals a day plus morning and afternoon tea
- Internet access to meet study requirements
- A friendly, supportive environment and
- English is the primary language spoken at home
The 1800 QSTUDY
The 1800 QSTDDY.PDF (193KB) (1800 778 839) service is available to International students and their families, agents, chaperones, parents and homestay providers outside our normal school hours.
The 1800 QSTUDY service provides support for you and responds to incidents that involve overseas students outside school hours.