
Vocational education


​​​​​​Vocational and Education Training (VET)

Mount Gravatt State High School is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that delivers a range of Certificates at Level I and II. As an RTO we must remain compliant through the Standards as outlined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations.

VET is learning that is directly related to work. Nationally recognised qualifications are developed by industry to give people the knowledge and skills they need to work in a particular job.

Students can undertake VET at school:

  • as part of their school studies - delivered and resourced by our school which is a registered training organisation (RTO 30406)
  • by enrolling in a qualification with an external RTO - funded either by the Department of Education and Training's VET investment budget or through fee-for-service arrangements i.e. where the student or parent pays for the qualification.

Please ensure that students read and understand the policy requirements as outlined in all our Policy and Procedures Documents, including the Student VET Handbook and Curriculum Handbook.

All Qualifications provide credit towards the Queensland Certificate of Education and are developed around Industry standards that may lead to employment.

Some students may also be required to complete work placement as part of their Training.  This allows students to achieve real life experiences through their learning. 

USI – Unique Student Identifier

What is the USI?

The Unique Student Identifier is a National Government initiative for all students from 1st January 2015. Your USI account will contain all of your nationally recognised training records and results completed from 1st January 2015 onwards. This will assist when you are commencing employment with a new employer or if you are commencing study with a new training organisation.

Every student is required to have a USI before we can issue their certificate from their VET Qualification.

For further information on what a USI is and how this number will affect you please download our fact sheet below.

Mount Gravatt State High School students seek to undertake nationally recognized training by external providers while they remain at school. All courses and traineeships are advertised to students via email, school noticeboards, and School Newsletter. Further information is available from the Senior Schooling Head of Department.

Mount Gravatt State High School has arrangements with external RTOs offering Certificates at Levels II, III, IV and Diploma.

Qualifications and training provide credit toward the Queensland Certificate of Education and develop employability skills that lead to employment.

  • Certificate II in Hospitality - Tactile Learning RTO 30922
  • Certificate II in Sampling and Measuring – Leichardt Education and Training RTO 32368
  • Certificate III in Aviation – Aviation Australia RTO 30770
  • Certificate III in Fitness – Binnacle Training RTO 31319
  • Certificate III In Business – Prestige Service Training RTO 31981
  • Diploma of Business - Prestige Service Training RTO 31981

TAFE Programs 

Students can access VET in Schools Programs offered at TAFE and Private Colleges.

School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships

School based traineeships and apprenticeships are a combination of school, off the job training (with a Registered Training Organisation) and paid work (with a host employer) that gain credit towards a nationally recognised qualification.

Students generally spend one day per week in the workplace, however during school holidays, students may be asked to work extra hours by mutual arrangement and negotiation between the student and the host employer.

We currently have students completing traineeships and apprenticeships in:

  • Business
  • Hospitality
  • Retail
  • Information, Digital Media & Technology
  • Screen and Media 
Last reviewed 08 July 2024
Last updated 08 July 2024