Variation to Assessment
The single biggest change in the New QCE system is the significantly raised level of expectations around completing assessment tasks by and/or on the set date. The final result for each General and Applied subject will be based on four (4) formal assessment tasks only, mostly completed in Year 12, which means completion dates will be strictly followed to ensure fairness for all.
As always, Mount Gravatt State High School will assist and support students. If students require short, medium or long term assistance, the first step in any situation is to seek support through the Guidance Officers and Year Level Deputy Principal.
This application, if successful, will result in an Access Arrangement or Reasonable Adjustment (AARA) to assist the student to complete the assessment task. As an example, this could mean an extension on an assignment due date. Complete details can be found in the Mount Gravatt Assessment Policy (PDF).
Family holidays and routine appointments are unable to be accepted as a reason to vary assessment completion requirements.
You can find details and information on the 'The New QCE Assessment' PowerPoint
Course Planner
The Course Planner outlines all topics studied and the assessment tasks in a subject. Students are able to access their Course Planner from Oneschool.
Students login with their username and password.