



Homework is a very valuable part of the learning process.  In the less structured environment at home, students have the opportunity through focused activities to deepen knowledge, refine a range of skills and develop their thinking processes.  Homework also enables time management and organisational skills to be developed.

A teacher at a state school may require a student of the school to complete homework. The school's Principal decides what is a reasonable amount of homework for a student at each year level. In deciding what is reasonable, the principal takes into account the following guidelines as developed for the school under Section 427(2)(f) of the Education Act External link.

The Department of Education and Training notes that homework should be relevant to class work, year level, learning needs and skills development, and effective in supporting learning. The amount of homework should allow sufficient time for family, recreation, community and cultural activities and not disadvantage students with a lack of access to resources such as computers and the internet outside school.

Homework is any school related work done at home and comprises, but is not restricted to:

  • teacher set tasks
  • assignments worked on at home, at student pace, by the due date
  • reading fiction and non-fiction books, set texts, internet and newspapers
  • reviewing, highlighting and summarising daily lessons
  • preparing for practical lessons
  • organising a study and assignment planner
  • revising drafts
  • study for specific assessment

Homework is organised by:

  • teacher, outlined in class and possibly electronically via One Note, TEAMs or other digital means
  • student, from personal study/assessment plan

Homework expectations are determined by faculties, subjects and year levels and may differ to meet the differentiation needs of classes and individual students.  If students or parents have questions about their student's homework for a particular subject, they are encouraged to contact the respective teacher.



  • record homework electronically on the platform used by the teacher for the subject; e.g. Class One Note
  • complete homework and bring it back to class
  • accept responsibility for homework completion
  • have a set time for homework in the afternoon/evening
  • organise a personal study/homework/assessment plan.


  • set homework that is relevant and meaningful, if applicable
  • check homework is completed
  • provide feedback – verbal or written
  • contact parent/guardian/Head of Department if the non-completion of homework is a regular occurrence.


  • encourage students to complete homework
  • check homework occasionally
  • provide resources to complete homework – e.g. quiet area
  • assist where necessary
  • monitor that students' part time work, extra-curricular activities and social agenda does not provide undue pressure on study and homework requirements through over commitment.

Heads of Department

  • convey expectations to staff
  • follow up students of concern as per MGH Homework Guidelines.


  • discuss monitoring process with Heads of Department
  • communicate relevant guidelines through assemblies, staff meetings, newsletters, assessment policy, school website and information sessions. 

Work Ethic Guidelines: it is reasonable that students may expect to complete the following requirements for homework.  This may increase at peak assessment periods within the term. 

Years 7 and 8:  1 – 1.25 hours per day on any 5 days of the week

Years 9 and 10: 1.8 – 2 hours per day on any 5 days of the week

Years 11 and 12: 2.2 – 3 hours per day on any 5 days of the week

Last reviewed 19 April 2023
Last updated 19 April 2023