Secondary Schooling Graduate Programs

In the Education Queensland International Program international students are fully integrated with Australian students. They attend mainstream classes and are expected to complete all classwork, assignments, presentations and assessments. This program involves students from overseas totally immersing themselves in the Australian Education system.
Senior students study towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) by the Queensland Studies Authority. The subject selection includes:
| Ancient History
| Biology
| Chemistry
| Dance
| Digital Solutions
| Drama
| English
| English as an Additional Language
English Literature
| Film, Television and New Media
| General Mathematics
| Health
| Japanese
| Mathematical Methods
| Modern History
| Physical Education
| Physcis
Students who complete a full academic program of all semesters of study will be eligible for an ATAR Score. This score is used for entrance to Australian Universities and is internationally recognised.
In the Junior Program, International students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will study core subjects through the new Australian curriculum. Their core program of study will include: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, HPE, The Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama), as well as a choice from a large array of technology and elective subjects
Through Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, some choices of subjects are offered allowing students to begin pathway planning for senior subjects and tertiary opportunities.
Study Abroad Programs
International students can attend Mount Gravatt High for twelve months as
part of our study abroad program. Students select from the full range of subjects available and study with Australian students in mainstream classes.
The aim of this program is to gain further English proficiency and experience another culture. At the conclusion of their studies a report is issued, detailing subjects studied and grades.
To enrol in either of these programs please visit the Education Queensland International website.
Special Programs
- Public speaking competitions
- Mathematics, History and Geography national competitions
- Debating competitions run by the Queensland Debating Union
- Year 8 Edge and Interdisciplinary Days
- STEAM program
- Leadership programs (Ylead, ELEVATE)
International highlights
A large percentage of International students enrolled at Mt Gravatt State High School have experienced academic success as well as growing in maturity and self-confidence.
| Extra-curricular Activities
At Mt Gravatt we encourage all International students to engage in the many events and extra-curricular activities that take place throughout the school year including: - Musical and dramatic performances
- Subject excursions
- Year level camps
- Year level events including Year 12 formal and graduation ceremony
Mount Gravatt High offers our overseas students adventures with additional excursions to:
- Chinese New Year celebrations