
Student Resource Scheme and Laptop Program


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student Resource Scheme ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Mount Gravatt State High School operates a Student Resource Scheme (SRS) to provide parents/carers with a cost effective alternative to purchasing textbooks, laptops and/or resources.

The objective of the scheme is to provide a convenient and cost-effective way for students to access the educational resources necessary to enhance their learning experience at school. 

SRS Benefits 

The scheme ensures that students have the resources required for them to engage with the curriculum for their education, and saves parents time and money in sourcing the prescribed materials elsewhere. Savings are gained through the school's bulk purchasing practices and hiring arrangements.  The scheme is not used to raise funds for other purposes, and revenue collected through the scheme is applied only to the resources and operation of the scheme.

SRS Inclusions

Resources included in the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) for each year level are details in the Resource Requirements​ List 2024 with associated costs. 

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10 | Year 11Year 12​​

​Students participating in the scheme will receive many resources required in the course of their studies, including:

  • Textbooks required for each subject
  • Prescribed consumable resources for subjects studied
  • School supplied laptop
  • IT application
  • Software and access to online programs used in place of textbooks or other learning resources
  • Printing
  • Reference materials and teacher-prepared material which complement and/or substitute for textbooks
  • Basic consumables for Art, Home Economics, Industrial Design & Technology
  • Student ID card, for use with school printers and outside of school

​SRS Participation Fee

In 2024, the cost per student to participate in the Student Resource Scheme is $680 which includes a take home laptop and invoices will be generated for payment in Term 1 2024.  

Laptop Program Included in SRS

Mount Gravatt High 1to1 laptop program has seen a lot of change in the way that student’s access technology and also in the way teachers are delivering teaching in the classroom. 

Given the success of the program and large financial investment the school has made to the upkeep of devices and also the whole school infrastructure we desire to ensure the long term viability of the 1 to1 Laptop Program.

BYO Laptop Program (for years 10 - 12 only)

All students enrolled at Mount Gravatt High School in Years 7 to 9 participate in the school provided take home laptop program (SRS). Students enrolled in Years 10-12 have the option to participate​ in the take home laptop program (SRS) or alternatively can choose to bring their own device (BYOD). 

As you purchase your own laptop the student resource scheme cost for BYOD participants is reduced to $420 per annum, this fee includes the Text Book and Resource Allowance (TRA) component which has been deducted to reduce the SRS fee payable. Parents are reminded that only laptops purchased from the BYO purchasing portal (see below) found on our school website can be used as part of the BYOD program. BYO devices are also required to be presented to our IT Department for onboarding to the school network and installation of all school software. ​​

BYOD Purchasing Portals

When purchasing a BYO device from the portals below, parents are provided with an option to choose the level of warranty cover as well as accidental damage protection. It is strongly encouraged that parents choose a three year onsite warranty, plus the three year accidental damage protection. This is to ensure the same level of protection as the laptops provided through the Student Resource Scheme​.

HP BYOD Po​rtal

​Access code: MountGravattSHS

Learning With Technologi​es BYOD Portal​​

Please also have a read of this BYO Parent Information Guide that will answer most questions you may have in relation to the schools policies around the BYO laptop program.

Please note the following processes when purchasing a BYO device:

  1. Select one of the available devices from the above web portal links. 

  2. You will be prompted to choose both your warranty and insurance cover. Due to new government regulations, you are unable to pay for additional insurance cover at the time of purchase, but you will be contacted around five days later to proceed with the payment of this accidental damage protection. It is strongly encouraged that parents choose a three year onsite warranty, plus the three year accidental damage protection. Please have a read of the relevant documentation that outlines the policy i.e. what is covered and what is not. 

  3. Once you have placed an order through the website direct with the manufacture it will take approximately 2 weeks for delivery (over Christmas period delivery can take up to 4-6 weeks).  

  4. Delivery will be to your nominated address i.e. home 

  5. All laptops will come with the standard manufacture software only i.e. windows operating system 

  6. When your laptop arrives please bring it to the IT help desk at school where we will onboard your device and install all of the required school software. 

  7. BYO devices will throughout the year continue to be supported by the IT help desk in the same way school provided devices have always been serviced.  The IT department will continue to troubleshoot minor software issues with the students and should a manufacture warranty or accidental damage claim need to be logged we will provide a report home for parental permission before we log a job on your behalf.  This enables the school to be the central place for all issues including warranty and or damages to be repaired without requiring a technician to come out to your home.

Should you have any questions please email our IT Department:

Note:  Information is being updated regularly.  Please check this page for updates.  

Last reviewed 28 May 2024
Last updated 28 May 2024