2025 Enrolments - Year 7-12
We have commenced an online submission process for all our enrolment applications.
If you are unable to complete the online submission, or have any issues, please contact our enrolment officer via email: enrolment.officer@mtgravattshs.eq.edu.au
Please view the School Enrolment Management Plan External link for the conditions under which students may be enrolled.
Catchment Area
Please check the Department of Education Catchment Area Map in the link below to determine whether you live inside or outside our catchment area. Then ensure that you complete the relevant Enrolment Application form below.

In-Catchment Enrolment
Students who reside within our catchment area, please click the link to submit an Enrolment EOI application. We will be in contact once the application form has been received and processed.
Out-of-Catchment Enrolment
Students who reside outside of our catchment area, please click the following link to submit an Enrolment Wait List application. Once the application has been received your student's name will be placed on the wait-list and a place will be offered subject to available capacity. Names will remain on the wait-list for one year only.